You are cordially invited to join Ann Arbor-Fraternity Lodge No. 262 and Myrtle Lodge No. 89, F&AM as we honor Brothers and our Poet Laureates Robert Burns and Rudyard Kipling!
Burns became a Freemason in 1781 in St. James Lodge in Scotland. In 1787, the Grand Master of Scotland declared Burns as Poet Laureate. You know him as the author of the poem and song “Auld Lang Syne” - and his poems about the status of mankind reflects his Masonry, and ours.
Kipling became a Freemason in 1885 in the Lodge of Hope and Perseverance in India and became Poet Laureate of the famous Canongate Kilwinning Lodge, following in Robbie Burns footsteps. He went on to win the Nobel Prize in literature having authored such works as The Jungle Book and Gunga Din amongst many others.
The event is open to the public - bring the entire clan!
$15 a ticket available at
Friday, January 29th, 2016
6:00pm ~ Ingathering
7:00pm ~ Dinner [with a Rudyard Kipling inspired dinner from his beloved India and Robert Burns inspired Scottish desserts!]
Readings of Masonic poetry penned by Brother Kipling
The Immortal Memory of Burns, his poetry, and his Masonry.
Dancing and Music from the Kipling Era consisting of instructed waltzes and polkas!
Poetry, Music & did we say Toasting?
Hope to see you there!
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: January 19
Food Drive
Later Event: February 4
Business Meeting