2019 Christmas Letter

Brethren, ladies, and friends of Myrtle Lodge,

I’m Brandon Mullins, Master of Myrtle Lodge for 2020, and I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I would like to congratulate all of our officers and thank them for stepping up and taking on a leadership role, and would also like to thank all those who contributed to our installation of officers in one way or another, whether that was setting up, taking a role, or just showing their support. Our first bowling Christmas party went very well, and all the kids had a great time. I look forward to a year of fun, fellowship, and fraternity.

As I mentioned at our installation, my theme for this year is clarity, making reference to the year 20/20. Pursuant to that theme, our calendar which is available at https://www.myrtle89.org/calendar has been updated with all the events we have planned for 2020 and those events will also be listed in our trestle board which will be mailed out as soon as possible. In addition our online calendar will be updated with any changes or additional events promptly and you can expect regular reminders through our Remind app which you can sign up for at https://www.remind.com/join/myrtle89.

In the meantime, as we sit in anticipation of Christmas morning, it is my hope that all of you would take the time to slow down and truly enjoy Christmas. It is far too to easy to rush through it, and not only miss the meaning of the season but leave it feeling more stressed than when you entered it. So, if I can give any recommendation it would be to actively resist that temptation and find time with family, friends or privately to calmly reflect on he who has brought life and immortality to light, and take peace in this season of miracles.

See you in 2020.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Brandon Mullins
Worshipful Master
Myrtle Lodge No. 89, F&AM