Brethren, ladies, and friends of Myrtle Lodge,
You’ve no doubt learned of the COVID-19 pandemic which has recently been declared a National Emergency. In light of that I have decided to suspend all remaining lodge activities for the months of March and April with the notable exception of our Food Drives scheduled for March 17th and April 21st. Many of our communities’ most vulnerable residents rely on such food distributions and now, more than ever our assistance is required. As such, if your work commitments and health concerns allow please participate in the food drives. Many of our members who regularly participate are at a high risk for developing complications from COVID-19 so we would like to relieve them as much as possible with younger members.
Our officer corps will continue to monitor the situation and inform you of any future events that need to be postponed or canceled. In the meantime if you or your loved ones need assistance during this trying time please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or our secretary and we will help in whatever way we can.
Stay safe, stay healthy and Godspeed.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Brandon Mullins
Worshipful Master
Myrtle Lodge No. 89, F&AM
Important contact info:
James Piper, PM
(734) 777-6744
Brandon Mullins
Worshipful Master
(734) 644-1166
Update, April 27, 2020:
In light of the continuation of the Governor's "Stay Home, Stay Safe" order, and the Grand Master's Edict 2020-4 our in-person meetings remain suspended through May 15th. As a result, we will be holding an untiled business meeting online via Teams in May. The link for the web conference will be provided the day of the meeting. You do not need to download the Teams app to join but you can if you like.
We'll be handling a few housekeeping items and enjoying one another's fellowship. If any brothers from other lodges would like to "visit" feel free to join us.
Update, May 15, 2020:
Per the extension of the Governor's "Stay Home, Stay Safe" order, and the Grand Master's Edict 2020-5 our in-person meetings, save the Food Drive remain suspended through May 28th. Please join us for our Food Drive on May 19th if your work commitments and health concerns allow. You can participate by coming to the back of Eloise at 30712 Michigan Ave, Westland, MI 48186 at 10am. A mask and gloves are required.
Update, May 21, 2020:
The Governor's Executive Order 2020-97 (COVID-19) and the Grand Master's Edict 2020-6 allow us to return to in-person meetings in June with some limited restrictions. In light of that, the Master has called an online meeting set for May 28th at 6pm to discuss our plan to reopen and have some fellowship with brothers online. This meeting will be conducted via teams and the link will be sent out the day of the meeting. Officers and members of Myrtle Lodge are requested to attend, and brothers from other lodges are more than welcome to visit us as well.
Update, May 28, 2020:
Per the discussions had at our planning meeting we’ve decided to begin holding regular meetings again adhering to all state restrictions including masks and social distancing.
Update, August 17, 2020:
The Grand Master’s Ruling No. 1 allows us to confer the Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft degrees, but not the Master Mason Degree, so we intend to confer the Entered Apprentice on our candidates in waiting in September with the Governor’s orders in mind.
Update, October 8, 2020:
The Grand Master’s Ruling No. 2 lifts the ban on conferring the Master Mason Degree. All meetings, whether regular or special are now permitted, so long as State guidelines on mask wearing, social distancing, and personal hygiene are followed as well as State restrictions related to building capacity.
Update, November 17, 2020:
Per the Grand Master's order, in accordance with the Michigan Department of Health's directive, all in-person meetings are hereby canceled until further notice. Our December Annual Communication will be held virtually via Teams. Per Ruling 2020-4 this cannot be an official communication but we can still ensure “usual and ordinary business” is conducted. As with previous orders, our food drive will continue unimpeded.
Update, December 3, 2020:
The Grand Master’s Ruling No. 5 installed the officers previously elected at our November business meeting, effective December 1st. As a result the duties of Worshipful Master fall to Worshipful Brother Jake Foster, and I doubt not that he will discharge his duties with fidelity, with honor to himself and with profit to the craft.